Beewatchers Kit
Designed for capturing, examining and identifying the insect before releasing it.

endorsed by the Bumblebee Conservation Trust
"The Bumblebee Conservation Trust are pleased to recommend Watkins and Doncaster's bee-catching equipment. The Trust's staff and volunteers all use the excellent nets when doing survey work - they're reliable, well balanced, and the fine mesh ensures that they don't harm the bees that we catch."
Everybody loves bumblebees - they're the sight and sound of summer. Sadly 3 of the UK's 25 native species are already extinct, and several more are severely threatened. As well as being affable and attractive little insects, bumblebees also pollinate our wild flowers and agricultural crops - they are extremely important! The Bumblebee Conservation Trust is a national charity which is working hard to prevent further declines and safeguard our bumblebees for future generations. The general public can do a lot to help, for example by joining the trust, improving their own gardens for bumblebees, and by taking part in surveys to help us map bumblebee distributions. Visit the BBCT website for more information at
Prices are subject to VAT for UK customers.